Why is Steam Cleaning A Better Way Forward for all businesses?
As we adapt to handling the Coronavirus pandemic in our daily lives, both at home and at work, we are more aware of the need to keep everything cleaner than before. We are keeping our homes, office workspaces and hands clean. Not only that but everyday items such as keys and mobile phones cleaner. Yet, we can’t escape the fact that invisible germs and viruses might be present on these surfaces everywhere.
Steam cleaning is a typical daily activity for many workplaces and public environments. Steam cleaning is widely used in healthcare and the food manufacturing and beverage sectors.
Steam cleaning in everyday workspaces is becoming a prevalent choice. Thanks to the key benefits of using steam to keep surfaces clean and disinfected.
“NWCE regard regular steam cleaning as a vital way forward for many businesses trying to achieve better hygiene and safety standards to reduce the risk of an outbreak of COVID 19 at work.”
Research and studies into COVID-19, into how long the virus survives on surfaces, suggest that the virus may remain active on different surfaces from a few hours up to 3 days.
The Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) tested how long the virus can remain active on various surfaces within a controlled laboratory setting. It was still detectable on cardboard for up to 24 hours and plastic and steel for 72 hours, leaving an infection risk.
Professional Steam Cleaners are used in health care environments as part of their Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s).
Correct cleaning procedures in a typical healthcare environment requires more than basic cleaning methods. These basic cleaning methods contribute to infection control by significantly reducing the level of microorganisms on a surface. Preventing infections requires more robust ways of reducing germs and viruses to a safe level on surfaces. One way to achieve this is by using dry steam cleaning.
The government guidelines for washing hands and social distancing is the constant message we hear in the media every day. As we know, the virus transmits from breathing in contaminated aerosols from a cough or a sneeze, and these droplets also settle on surfaces. The virus travels mainly on the hands from one surface to another, eventually making its progress into the body, so surfaces must require frequent cleaning and sanitisation.
Using steam to remove microorganisms safely leaves the surface instantly clean and dry without leaving any biofilm residue left when using general disinfectants.
It is vital to keep all common high touch surfaces clean and sanitised in the workplace to reduce the risk of infection. When we keep our workplaces clean, we take pride in how they look, but actually, how clean are your light switches, door handles, workspaces, keyboards, chairs?
Suppose you use general cleaning products, bleaches, disinfectants as part of your daily cleaning regime. In that case, you need to adopt the right methods to ensure you are “invisibly” clean to remove germs and viruses effectively.
A straightforward method is to adapt to using a professional dry steam cleaner as part of your ongoing cleaning regime.
The key elements to using a Professional Dry Steam Cleaner are;
- Steam cleaning is effective at removing 99.99% of germs and viruses. (Including Coronavirus)
- Steam Cleaning creates a healthier, environmentally-friendly, sustainable workplace, thanks to using less harmful chemicals.
- Steam Cleaning will reduce your cleaning costs significantly against using cleaning chemicals and disinfectants.
We all accept that the world is changing in how to keep workplaces hygienically cleaner and safer, not just clean but ‘invisibly clean.”
The way to achieve this will never be a one size fits all solution, but adapting to a better way will be the best choice.
For professional advice in getting your business future proof clean and safe, call NWCE now on 01942 834132. Email us: info@nwcleaningequipment.co.uk
View our commercial & industrial steam cleaning machine solutions here. (Link to Steam Cleaners section)